The Paradoxes of Leadership Series: Courageous vs. Strategic
Peter Ward Peter Ward

The Paradoxes of Leadership Series: Courageous vs. Strategic

Strategy is one of those words that everybody loves and that almost nobody can accurately define. A former professor of mine once joked that “Strategy is what you put in your job title when you want a raise” and I think that’s about as far as many leaders understand the concept.

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Introducing the PSG Leadership Map
Peter Ward Peter Ward

Introducing the PSG Leadership Map

If leadership were easy, everyone would love their boss and every business would succeed.

Then why does everyone hate their boss and why do most businesses fail?

Because good leadership is rare and becoming a good leader is one of the great challenges in human history.

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End of Year Performance Reviews: Mental Health, High Performance and Building Adaptable Teams for an Uncertain Future.
Peter Ward Peter Ward

End of Year Performance Reviews: Mental Health, High Performance and Building Adaptable Teams for an Uncertain Future.

(Note: This essay was first published in December 2023)

It’s the end of the year and (hooray!) we’re all doing performance reviews. This is a tough year to define what “high performing” means because of the incredible pace of change that we’re all navigating and I find myself reevaluating the types of thinking that are going to be valuable in the future. As I look ahead and try to define "high performance", these are the recurring themes I’ve been coming back to in recent conversations:

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